The objective of the Azad Polytechnic College is to provide need based quality Technical Education to young students with a view to enhance their job opportunities.
The present number of Technical Institutions established in the State of Uttar Pradesh is not enough to cater the requirement of technical people in the various functional areas of the corporate world especially at the when MNCs have encompassed almost entire State.
Objectives of the Institution
- Offering institution in Engineering at a level comparable to the very best in the world.
- Providing best faculties for undergraduate students.
- Providing leadership in curriculum planning and laboratory development.
- Developing programmes for faculty development both for its own staff and for teachers of other engineering institutions.
- Developing close collaboration with industry through exchange of personal and undertaking consultancy projects.
- Developing strong collaboration links with other academic and research institutions in the country and board.
- Anticipating the technological needs for India and to plan and prepare to cater to men.
- Developing continuing education programs.
- Preparing institutional resource material in 5th conventional as well as the audiovisual video and the computer based modes.
- Catering to the development of a culture for maintenance and conservation.